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“Last year, my dad was finally able to rest after a difficult battle with ALS. Since then, our family is now fighting a new battle, with my mum's recent cancer diagnosis."
Mrs. G (Daughter of Palliative Care Patients)
April 2021
"When dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer, we felt as if the floor had falling out from ..."
Mrs. H (Daughter of former Day Center Member)
March 2021
« J’ai eu la chance et le bonheur d’avoir une intervenante en deuil.»
Mme G. (Programme de soutien pour adultes endeuillés)
Septembre 2021
“What an amazing lifeline the facilitator provided to me during these past months, ..."
Mrs. H (Carousel Client)
“Just wanted to let you know how much of a godsend our Health Aide has been for my mother and for us."
Mr. F (Son of a Home Support Client)
« Tu as été un phare dans la nuit, un roc dans la tempête et un baume sur nos plaies.»
M. G (Beau-fils d’une patiente en soins palliatifs)
Avril 2021
“I want to thank Nova West Island nursing team, for their continual support with my husband undergoing treatment for multiple myeloma."
Mrs. & M. C (Patient and Spouse of Palliative Care)
February 2021
“Thank you to the great folks at NOVA West Island for the support you have provided especially as the Day Centre is no longer operational."
Mr. C (Caregiver of Adult Day Center Program Member)
October 2021
« Nova est un cadeau du ciel pour moi et mon mari ! Les soins professionnels combinés à divers matériels de stimulation ... »
A-M (Épouse et aidante d'un membre de nos services à domicile)
Mai 2021
“It meant a lot to me to have my son spend time with other children who have lived deep loss.”
Mrs. X (Mother of Camp Carousel Participant)
“I can tell you that NOVA has been great for me and I cannot wait to get back to the Day Center!"
Denys (Volunteer & new Volunteer Pen Pal Program)
May 2021