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Thank You Zen Chez Vous!

When Wellness is at Its Very Best...Beautiful Things Happen!

Zen Chez Vous' Nominate a Healthcare HERO initiative took place from February 16th to March 4th, with their grand opening on March 5th. From the relaxing chair massages to the therapeutic essential oils, tarots, teas, cookies we had a great time and would like to take the time to thank Zen Chez Vous for this feel-good event.

There were 28 nominations, including 5 from NOVA West Island:

Dinny Evers - Volunteer

Marie-France Juneau - Executive Director

Maxine Lybert - Nurse

Leslie Mitchell - Nurse

Barbara Smith - Home Health Aide

Congratulations to the two prize-winning Health Heroes:

Danny O’Connor from All Access Life

Elizabeth Albers from Santé Beacon Health

Thank you to all of our Heroes for intervening and making an incredible impact on the community. You are valued and very much appreciated!

Finally, thank you everyone for your donations and magnificent support.

Zen Chez Vous fundraised $1185 in support of NOVA West Island!

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